We are having LOTS of rain, and if you look at the weather satellite, you can see it is a part of hurricane Ike, which is down in the gulf right now and appearing to be drawing a bullseye on Houston, Texas. The people that owned the house before us put in all sorts of small gardens around the house, and a small cement retaining wall to border the gardens. This landscaping was done without any effort at all to make sure water flows away from the house, nor were any of the downspouts extended beyond the wall. The result is that water drains towards the house and we have 4-6" of water standing against the foundation. The sump pump is working overtime to drain, flipping on every 30 seconds or so. Lloyd is beside himself trying to move furniture to 'high ground' in case the pump gives out. He is frustrated too, that he didn't recognize these problems sooner. The thing is, we haven't had rain like this ever before, so I can't say either of us were cognizant of the problems until they became apparent with this heavy, heavy rain. I'm crossing my fingers the sump pump holds out, that's the only thing between us and a waist-high flood in the lower port of this split-level place.