Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Well, the polls are in, and with 58 'chapters' down and 3 (count'em 3) comments, I can safely say that there was little to no interest in the story. I realize it was a very rough draft from National Novel Writing month, but the idea was to see if there was any interest at all in the style of the story, the characters, and the setting. If there is, I didn't see it, so I have to conclude that things suck. Either the rough draft was too rough for comfortable reading, or the writer really needs to quit, or drastically sharpen her skills. I really hope it's the former, but with the way I've been 180 on everything all the time, I just don't know.


Blogger SFWriter13 said...

It does NOT suck! I actually enjoyed it very much and thought it was eminently publishable.

You have an easy, casual writing style that well suited the story that I am envious of.

So there. ;)

June 4, 2008 at 9:40 AM  

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