Sunday, June 1, 2008

The 180

It's well known to my friends by now that A) I'm neurotic like a bad Woody Allen movie, and B) beating a dead horse is a way of life. That being said, the 180 is the glue gthat holds them together.

The 180 is my singular ability to suffer through angst and uncertainty, and when I do need to talk, everything shifts 180 to what is was before, and I'm moaning about nothing, or something completely different. That's happened a lot lately, and I'm wondering maybe if it isn't some kind of judgemnet from a Higher power trying to tell me to shut up and live with it, or talk about things sooner than I do?

Hell if I know. All it seems to do is screw up my friends and I'm sure no on wants to hear me whine. read maybe, but certainly not hear. That and the fact compunded like we are all drifting apart. One friend is hardly on, on has got three other friends and they play togehter all the time, and I'm left wondering where everyone went to.

Anyways, I'd like to RP and do mission with them, but neurotic doesn't do RP well, or if I ever did. I know some people's opinion already. You like someone you find a way to include them, that's the bottom line.


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